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An afternoon of sailing on the b...

John Donovan

An action packed afternoon of sailing on the bay for 2 passengers with an experienced sailor, Willow Creek parent, and all around great guy-John Donovan!  Depart from Sausalito and chart your course for a 3-4 hour excursion where you'll learn the nuts and bolts of sailing. Adults onlyl, no holidays please.


An action packed afternoon of sailing on the bay for 2 passengers with an experienced sailor, Willow Creek parent, and all around great guy-John Donovan!  Depart from Sausalito and chart your course for a 3-4 hour excursion where you'll learn the nuts and bolts of sailing. Adults onlyl, no holidays please.


An action packed afternoon of sailing on the bay for 2 passengers with an experienced sailor, Willow Creek parent, and all around great guy-John Donovan!  Depart from Sausalito and chart your course for a 3-4 hour excursion where you'll learn the nuts and bolts of sailing. Adults onlyl, no holidays please.